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Reach your target group anytime, anywhere!

Whether it's in the office, on the train or at home: the use of smartphones etc. is everpresent. If you want to reach your target group in a timely fashion, you need to think mobile. This is where mobio supports you: digital communication. Discover the ways mobio can improve your communication today!

Not only well planned, but also well made. Users love perfect apps.

Every target group has different demands, from the design of the app to its functionality. mobio's modular structure ensures the highest-possible flexibility combined with 110% design-freedom. Our apps are individual, just like your business!

Download apps that were created using mobio.
Experience the advantage in design, usability and features.

Open to all content: static, dynamic, live. For the optimal user experience!

Bundle a wide variety of content types in one app – whether print articles, current product information, intranet news or social media feeds. mobio sets no limits: You have the content, mobio presents it – multimedia and up to date.

Design your app in the mobio backend. Live and without App-Update.

You decide how your content is displayed. The contents can be placed by drag & drop and can be restructured and prioritised at any time. With location-based content, videos or an augmented reality function, they offer your users real added value.

Any data source: Direct upload, import via API or feed-based

Do you use established systems to capture your content? Numerous integrations have already been implemented on the basis of the mobio API. And the highlight: Adobe InDesign®- and Word documents can also be imported automatically. mobio adapts flexibly to your working method.

Michael Schmedt, editor-in-chief, Deutsches Ärzteblatt
 Mobio is an excellent way of coping with the digital change in the publishing industry. The print product - in our case the Deutsches Ärzteblatt - becomes an individual, brand-compatible and technically efficient digital product as a tablet app. Thanks to the individual support from Schaffrath digital, it has been very well analysed and stringently implemented with a view to the requirements of the market and the product. 
Dominic Thomas Portrait Dominic Thomas, head of service Prepress/Print, Bundesamt für Statistik BFS
 Thanks to mobio, we are able to publish all print publications simultaneously in our app as responsive publications without any major additional effort. We were individually advised by Schaffrath-Medien and accompanied through the whole process. In the event of questions or problems, we receive fast and competent advice even after the live broadcast. A strong product with an even stronger partner! 
Dennis Dirdjaja, head of digital production, Spektrum der Wissenschaft
 The mobio team advised and supported us comprehensively from the first contact to the live event. Together we were able to connect our content management system with the mobio backend in a very short time. Schaffrath responded quickly and precisely to our wishes and requirements. 
BEGA Logo BEGA Gantenbrink-Leuchten KG
 Thanks to the mobile app our employees and customers have all relevant data in their pocket, on- or offline. This has noticably improved our communication and allows us to react to current demands quicker. 
Reiner Straub, publisher of the Personalmagazin, Haufe
 mobio convinced us as an alternative to the Adobe-solution. We completed our app project in time, quality and budget. 
Christian Graf, CEO & Founder, CeeQoo – Digital Solutions
 By being able to publish fully responsive content from different sources, mobio offers us near unlimited possibilities. 
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Whether static, dynamic or location-dependent content. Whether free, protected or with costs.

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Design your individual app according to your wishes. Flexible, qualitative, modern.


Manage your content via our mobio backend or via API with your CMS.


Your data and the associated smooth operation are important to us!

Your solution for mobile communication.

Stay informed

We will be happy to keep you informed by e-mail about the latest features and publications. Simply register for our mobio-letter.